9 Things To Anticipate When You See A Whitetail Deer

9 Things To Anticipate When You See A Whitetail Deer

Though it can also be an exciting encounter full of unanticipated events, seeing a whitetail deer is like entering a peaceful picture. Common sight in North America’s forests, these delicate creatures—known for their grace and alertness—are rather peaceful. Every interaction is different, though, hence being ready for what can happen results in an unforgettable experience. … Read more

Axis Deer in Texas: Why These Exotic Deer Are Changing the Game

Axis Deer

Comparatively to a whitetail fawn, axis deer—also known as chital—have remarkably gorgeous reddish-brown coats covered in white patches. Originally from India and Sri Lanka, these deer were imported into Texas for farming and hunting in the 1930s. Many fled into the wild over time, building sizable numbers particularly in the Texas Hill Country. Axis deer … Read more

6 Truths Regarding Deer Vision That Hunters Should Know

Deer Vision

Amazing vision allows deer to see threats and evade predators. Deer vision differs from human vision; knowing these variations will enable hunters to be more successful. Scientists—including those at the University of Georgia Deer Lab—have examined deer perspective of the world. The salient features that hunter should be aware of about deer vision below. How … Read more

Why are Key deer endangered?

Why are Key deer endangered?

Unique and rare species only found in the Florida Keys are key deer. Famously for their small stature and mild demeanor, these little deer are a subspecies of the white-tailed deer. Sadly, many hazards over the years have caused their population to drop. From habitat degradation and climate change to traffic accidents and infections, numerous … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to California Mule Deer Hunting and Conservation

The Ultimate Guide to California Mule Deer Hunting and Conservation

Hunters and other aficionados for wildlife value California mule deer highly. These deer are renowned for their big ears, amazing antlers, and environmental adaptation capacity. Hunting them calls both knowledge of their nature and skillful patience. Still, maintaining good deer numbers depends on equally vital conservation activities. This extensive book will address all you need … Read more

How to Call Elk: Advanced Advice and Strategies

How to Call Elk: Advanced Advice and Strategies

You have to know their habits if you are to call elk successfully. You also have to realize that your interactions with loud bulls most likely won’t look (or sound) like they do in so many hunting movies unless you are hunting great private ground. You will have to be tactical, delicate, and your calling … Read more

What is the most threatening thing to the mule deer population?

mule deer

From southern Alaska to northern Mexico and the Pacific Coast to the Rocky Mountains, classical mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) abound. They call western North America home. With a population ranging from 3–4 million, these tough species derive their name from their massive, mule-like ears. While some areas have steady herds, others experience reductions brought on … Read more

The Marsh Deer: Wandering Wetlands of South America

The Marsh Deer: Wandering Wetlands of South America

Imagine a lifelike crown of antlers and a South American marsh-dancing beast with slender legs crossing shimmering rivers. Scientifically known as Blastocerus dichotomus, marsh deer are as elegant as they are evasive; they will be equally hip in the wild landscape in 2025 as low-rise jeans are right now. Though jaguars and piranhas get more … Read more