One of the rare sports where you might spend hours and hours outside without becoming bored is hunting. Early in the morning you start preparing your area and wait patiently for the ideal deer to cross your way. Sometimes days pass when you simply wait and see nothing. The days you do, however, find a deer make the waiting worthwhile. One of the great places to shoot deer in Maine is known These are the reasons Maine has evolved into a dream destination for hunters.
The habitat of Maine helps make deer larger than most.
Maine is a beautiful state with lots of open spaces for exploration. The bulk of Maine, almost every inch of undeveloped land is thought to be a suitable habitat for deer. Should you wish to consume the meat of the deer you hunt, this quality environment ensures they are healthy and rich in nutrients. It also offers a beautiful backdrop for you to enjoy during the times you are waiting for a deer to approach you.
Maine’s Deer Density Greater Than Most States
Look for areas with most of the animal you are aiming for when hunting. At over 10 every square mile on average, Maine now has over 300,000 deer wandering about. Those figures can reach 40 per square mile in the southern portion of the state. With only an average of two per square mile, you would want to stay away from the northern portion of the state Odds are, during your journey you will come across a deer somewhere in Maine.
Maine’s hunting season is long.
Beginning in early September, you may shoot deer in specific parts of Maine using archery. You may bring out the crossbow later in the month till late October. This allows you an opportunity to hone a talent disappearing in modern culture. Starting in late October and running down in late November, firearms season The last section of hunting season lets you use a muzzleloader on some dates between late November and early to mid-December. The state tells you you can only bag one antlered deer each season. As they vary, you should also look for the precise dates annually.
The Maine weather is comfortable during hunting season.
The prime of hunting season, October and November, brings perfect weather for southern Maine hunters. The most of the deer live here. The typical temperature in Portland falls between 40 and 50 degrees. Additionally rare in Maine’s area of the year, it hardly snows, which improves view. With all the tools needed for hunting and attire to fit in, there is perhaps no better time of year to be outdoors and shooting deer.
Getting a hunting license in Maine is simple yet sensible.
Although getting a hunting license in Maine is simple, follow these guidelines to ensure your safety as best as possible. Either proving you have had one in the past or completing two safety courses can help you get the license. Depending on what you intend to perform, you also need a license in weapons, archery, or crossbow. Every one of these licenses calls for completion of a safety course. You then are all prepared and ready to go. Although this seems like a lot to do, you only have to complete it once as the license is annual.
Maine boasts a great hunting culture.
Sixth highest percentage of a state’s population who hunt in the United States, around 15% of Maine’s population hunts. Those who enjoy larger group hunting will find this to be a benefit. The state takes great satisfaction in letting you hunt and letting you do so under proper training and teaching. If you want to participate in a fantastic deer hunting tradition, Maine is worth looking into. You will fit rather nicely.