Episode 74: The Land of Many Uses – Allegheny National Forest

Published by Todd Waldron on

The Land of Many Uses – Allegheny National Forest

Have you ever looked at your favorite public land recreational spot and wondered how it became public land? What does it takes to keep it that way? What are the tensions and partnerships  that have sparked and been cultivated over its management and future?

This week we’re talking about the half million acre Allegheny National Forest in northwest Pennsylvania. Established in 1923, the “Land of Many Uses” receives nearly 4 million recreational visitor days per year. It also has thousands of privately-held oil and gas wells & grows some of finest quality black cherry in the world. Pennsylvania’s only national forest also hosts one of the largest dams in the East. We walk through how the 1859 PA oil discovery, excessive logging in the early 20th century & the Weeks Act shaped what we enjoy today.


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