About East to West Hunting Podcast

Inspired by a lifetime love  for the outdoors, East to West Hunting Podcast strives to promote access and opportunities for ALL individuals and communities so you can experience hunting and angling in a way that respects nature and create meaningful connections to your food and the outdoors.


Hunting, angling and the outdoors are for everyone. Our mission is to help get you started and keep you going with your outdoor pursuits and conservation ethic. If you want to collaborate with our community, let’s talk. We want to work with you to build stronger connections for all to the outdoors.  You’re welcome here!


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Todd Waldron

Todd Waldron is founder and host of the East to West Hunting Podcast. He lives in the Adirondack Mountains of northern NY where he enjoys deer and bird hunting, fishing and spending time with his family outdoors. Mentorship & conservation are important to Todd because America’s treasured wild places, wildlife, and future generations can’t speak for themselves.Hunting and fishing are a wonderful privilege, and with this privilege comes an ongoing responsibility of stewardship; a responsibility to pass it on to the next generation. Todd is a life member of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, a Sustaining Member of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and a member of Pheasants Forever & Ruffed Grouse Society/American Woodcock Society. He is a forestry consultant by profession and has a B.A. in Natural Resource Management from SUNY ESF and an A.A.S. in Forest Technology from SUNY ESF’s New York State Ranger School.